Monday, March 20, 2006

Nutritional Supplements

Recent research supports the use of vitamin and nutritional supplementation to promote wellness and improve the quality of our lives. Indeed, vitamin and mineral supplements may provide a greater "return on investment" than any other individual health measure.

Barringer's 2003 study in the Annals of Internal Medicine reports that a daily multivitamin can reduce illness due to infection by as much as 75% percent. Other studies (e.g. Ames, 2002) have demonstrated that diseases due to abnormally functioning enzymes are present in a large percentage of the population and that these diseases can be prevented by increased dosages of the proper nutritional supplements, especially B-vitamins.

Harvard Medical School researchers reviewed years of scientific literature regarding vitamins and found numerous benefits with very little risk. They conculded that "everybody - regardless of age or health status - [should] take a daily multivitamin."

Unfortunately, solid pills are rather difficult for your body to digest. As a matter of fact, numerous studies have shown that as much as 75% of injested supplements do not get absorbed or utilized by your body. The way to improve absorbtion of supplements is to injest either liquid or "isotonic" supplements. These supplements move into the lower digestive system quickly, where they are completely absorbed.

Some of the best absorbed products include supplements in the NutraMetrix(tm) product line. These products are provided in powder form and are mixed in water just prior to consumption to ensure rapid and complete absorbtion.

OPC-3: oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) plant derived bioflavonoids. OPCs are super-effective, free-radical neutralizers. They are also crucial in their role in supporting the circulatory system. OPC-3 is made from a combination of grape seed, pine bark, red-wine, bilberry and citrus extracts.

ORAC Formula: Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, is a test tube analysis that measures the total antioxidant power of substances. ORAC extracts contain an assortment of bioflavonoids, organic acids and other polyphenolic compounds that work synergistically to create a formidable antioxidant defense against free-radical damage. A single ORAC Formula serving delivers 3,000 ORAC units from elderberry, blueberry and cranberry extracts.

MultiVitamin: Vitamins are substances which are essential for the maintenance of normal metabolic function, but which are not produced in the body and therefore must be consumed. They are necessary elements in the process of converting food to energy and in the growth and repair of body tissue. Shortages may lead to loss of appetite, loss of body weight, increased irritability, sleeplessness or constant drowsiness. Deficiencies of this nature can be easily be prevented or reversed by adequate vitamin intake.

Heart Health Essential Omega III: Omega III fatty acids help maintain healthy triglyceride levels, reduce C-reactive protein levels, and reduce blood clotting. Heart Health Omega III provides 3,000 mg of EPA and DHA - the active components in Omega III - which are ultra-refined fish oils from deep ocean waters and processed under pharmeceutical guidelines to ensure only the purest mercury and contaminant free oils.

B Complex: The "B" vitamins are most adversely affected by aging. Fortunately, supplementation can replace depleted B-vitamins. B-vitamins reduce the negative effects of stress on your body and provides you with extra energy.

Coenzyme Q10 100: Co-Q10 helps to restore the body's adenosine triphosphate (ATP) cycle. ATP is the energy source for all body functions. With restored ATP, the immune system is enhanced, increased stamina is realized, and mental alertness is improved.

Ultra Prime: This is an amino acid supplement which naturally increase the secretion of human growth hormone(HGH). HGH, which normally regulates the growth of bones, muscles and other organs, decreases with age. Increasing HGH levels may help prevent premature aging and improve insulin-like growth factors (IGF)that can return your metabolism to a more youthful state.


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