Saturday, March 18, 2006

IPL FotoFacial Treatments

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology is a non-invasive treatment that can correct a variety of benign skin conditions, including: signs of photo-aging, birthmarks, unwanted hair, unsightly small veins, broken capillaries, benign brown pigment, age spots (sun-induced freckles), mottled pigmentation, poikiloderma and other blemishes. It can be tailored to your individual condition and skin type, providing superior cosmetic results and outstanding satisfaction.

How is Photorejuvenation performed?

A cold gel is usually applied to the area to be treated, and you may be given dark glasses to protect your eyes from the bright light. The smooth glass surface of the IPL handpiece is gently applied to your skin and pulses of light are applied. You may feel a slight warming sensation - this is quite tolerable and anesthetics are not required. Treatments are generally administered in a series: 4 to 6 sessions that provide excellent long-term results, minimal adverse effects and high satisfaction. Each treatment takes about twenty minutes.

Why are multiple treatments necessary?

Depending on the condition(s) you are treating, and the severity of the individual problem, a series of four to six treatment sessions may be recommended. You can return to work the same day and resume all your regular activities. By dividing the full program into several treatments, the procedure provides gradual improvement with very low risk — and, it preserves the wonderful "no down time" feature that people appreciate so much.

How do other treatments compare to Photorejuvenation?

Some lasers can treat telangiectasia and broken capillaries, other lasers can treat benign brown pigments, and yet others that are used for resurfacing facial skin. However, only IPL technology can provide long-term improvement in both the tone and texture skin — all without the slightest interruption in your busy lifestyle.

What conditions can Photorejuvenation treat?

Facial imperfections can detract from your well being and appearance, no matter how healthy and young you feel. IPL technology helps create healthier, smoother-looking skin. After a series of treatments, you can see a significant reduction of unwanted pigmentation. The same treatment can be used effectively on the neck, chest, arms and hands.

What Results Can I expect?

After only one treatment, your skin will have a more even tone with a smoother look and feel. Sunspots will fade. Pores will shrink. Fine lines and wrinkles will gradually decrease in size. These improvements will steadily improve with each treatment. Patients with rosacea will see a progressive decrease in redness with every treatment.

What will recovery be like?

Following your treatment, the treated skin may appear a little flushed and capillaries may seem to be more visible. The flushed look soon fades away, and the capillaries appear to vanish, leaving the skin looking younger. Post-operative discomfort is almost nonexistent. It's that simple.

How do IPL Photo Facial Rejuvenation treatments work?

Today's new light technology delivers precise dosages of energy to the skin. During your treatment, light energy is gently delivered through a special handpiece to the targeted area. Levels of energy specific to your treatment are used to maximize your improvement. Once delivered, the light energy is absorbed by the targeted damaged tissue.

Are IPL Photo Facial Rejuvenation treatments safe?
Advanced light systems have been used safely for millions of treatments worldwide. These systems treat only the targeted tissues, leaving the surrounding tissue intact.


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